There are 350 species of iguanas living around the world today. Only 3 of these species are living and breeding here in Florida:
Common Green Iguana
Mexican Spinytail Iguana
Black Spinytail Iguana
The 3 species found in the wild in Florida were imported as pets from South America and Central America, where they live mostly along the coastlines or on islands close to the mainland. Iguanas are also sold by breeders in the U.S.

Lizards are reptiles. Like snakes, iguanas have scales, lay eggs, and are cold-blooded. So iguanas shed their skin, lay their eggs in large nests, and bask in the sun to boost their body temperature. Iguanas require year-round warm weather to survive in the wild. If the temperature drops below 40 degrees, iguanas become sluggish. Their metabolism slows and their skin turns dark from the stress. Too many cold days in a row and they will die.

Iguanas dig holes in which they lay one to six dozen eggs. Animals that eat the eggs include crows and snakes. Iguana babies are only seven inches long. The babies are eaten by a variety of predators. Herons, owls and other birds prey on them. So do raccoons, opossums, and rats. Dogs and cats will chase little iguanas and sometimes kill them. Once the babies are full grown, however, they may be four to seven feet in length. There are no native predators in Florida to bother adult iguanas--except for us. Iguanas are sometimes mistaken for Nile monitors and vice versa. The green and black spiny iguana, are two of several exotic animals that can be found throughout the Cape Coral region.
Like other non-native nuisance wildlife in the area, iguanas were originally introduced by humans and have adapted well to their new habitat. Iguanas can cause a lot of problems, they can damage vegetation and their long claws can do some real harm if you try to pick one up.